Sunday, April 10, 2016


Josh Gordon is being a dumbass in hanging out with Johnny Manswell, and MKC is right to suspect that this could be why his Highness King Roger is torturing the player and organization.

The optics really suck.  But so does this level of social micromanagement in an allegedly free country.

Gordon has passed all his tests.  Of course the substance abuse counselors said he's not an addict!  He's stayed clean.

He might resent, as I do, the fact that his second last suspension was over cough syrup and the year long one was about drinks on a plane after the season was over.

He must like Manswell, who is a nut but not a bad person, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's angry and trying to stifle defiance.  Of all the people on the planet he could hang with...Johnny?  Really?

The Real issue here is Roger Goodell.  HE needs therapy!  Somebody needs to remind him that slavery is illegal, and this used to be a free society.  Literally millions of people suffered and died to make this stick.

That is, to give each of us the right to live as we see fit.

As an employer, King Roger has every right to set conditions and limits, however ridiculous they might be.

That's why Josh was suspended for cold medication and post-season drinks (this is infuriating).  

But Gordon has MET those conditions.  King Roger is never satisfied, however.  Now he has to stick his nose even deeper into the guy's personal life.

Gordon was being tested three and four times per week.  Jeez prison parolees don't have to deal with this crap!  He's still passing all the tests.  

Not good enough!  He's hanging out with a known party boy!  We must investigate!

I'm saddened that nobody else sees how preposterous this crap is, and what a megalomanic control freak is running the NFL.

This used to be the United States.

Josh Gordon is clean.  He's an adult, and Johnny Manswell has not corrupted him.  He might be helping Johnny--but at any rate, it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS ROGER.

If he tests dirty you can drinking...and suspend him again.  Until he does, let him play, you...

THIS JUST IN: Uh...never mind.

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