So here we go with the 138 penalties again! 18 (or around 14% of these) were called vs the Browns in game 1, and about 33% of those were bullcrap.
Since the bye, and including the Ravens game, the Browns weren't penalized much.
OBJ's sideline rant about the referees is STILL being cited as an example of how the players don't respect Kitchens despite their own words (and Mayfield's recent head-extraction).
Freddie's playcalling is being bashed based on less than 6-8 unsuccessful plays this whole SEASON ("No more shovel passes", really!?!)
Good grief when your running back gets stuffed and you have 2nd and 9 deep in your own territory -snap-snap- a play-fake is unlikely to work and a pass is a legit option.
What is this "Duh why diddend they stigg with the runn?" crap regardless of situation or context (ie no matter what)?
Look up SECOND AND NINE (or 14) and tell me Freddie needs to hand off again every time again dammit!?!
It's just hysterical, and I see my own peeps starting to repeat this "ah say wee haing 'im" mantras (well you know most of them don't read this Blog so...)
That's right Freddie has told the Offensive Line not to pass-protect, Mayfield to rifle every pass, the defense not to tackle anybody, Landry/OBJ to be emotional, and Kim Jung Un to do another missile test just...shut up. Curb your irrational, sadistic, mob-driven lynching instinct.
Seriously, am I the only person on Earth who dislikes injustice and isn't eager to get some kicks and punches in on any random beat-down victim here? Who doesn't just go with the flock?
You people should be ashamed of yourselves. T H I N K.
The Browns are in need of refinement this offseason. I'll get deeper into that later, but I can start with converting OBJ into a first and third-round draft-pick (or so) via trade.
Nah, shaddap! OBJ actually wants to stick around, and after he returns from his operations should be a lethal weapon again.
I only suggest this trade because the real Baker Mayfield doesn't need an undersized "go-to" deep threat as much as he needs better offensive tackles and stuff.
Oops too complicated huh? There's some mathematics in there and stuff...sorry I can't spell it all out here guys, but you are welcome to fill in the blanks (come on, you can do it!)
T H I N---ah crap nevermind
THIS JUST IN from Jeff Schudel in re the elephant in the room (Mayfield). Freddie has that accent and is fat and easy to pick on, so he's THE target for dumbasses, but Jeff has my back here, and invites you to T H ah screw it
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